Friday, September 29, 2017

Gadsby's Taven Ball

Last week, I went to Gadsby's Tavern Museum's Jane Austen Ball. (Wow, what a mouthful!) I last went to a ball there four years ago (see: here), so it was wonderful to go back! 

I'll make a post about the dress when it's actually complete

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Many Happy Returns

Hello all!

I'm back, and ready to tell you all about what happened while I was in college. Well, at least as far as costuming is concerned... I'll keep this post short, though.

From one summer,
after dressing the mannequins,
while transitioning from internship to real job.
My hometown is celebrating its 300th anniversary this year and I make a small cameo in these videos. I'm in 18th century clothing (of course) and dancing! The clips I appear in are either from Dover's Market Fair or from a filming I agreed to be a part of. It's my three seconds of fame (combined, I'm sure) and if you blink, you'll miss it!

This is the video which doesn't touch on historical stuff again after the 1-minute mark.

This is the video that had a special filming.

Hope you enjoy them!