Saturday, July 13, 2013

Away for a While

I'm heading off for a nearly week-long vacation, and this is my last post before I go. Dear readers, try not to miss me too much (insert winky-face here).

Here, have a yawning kitty!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sewing Progress

I actually got some velvet cut out for a beret I'll be sewing up A.S.A.P. (This weekend, maybe.) So, without much further ado, here are some photos!

The original size of the velvet. It wasn't much larger than the final circle.

Preparing to draw a circle.

Ditto. By the way, my mom helped me a whole bunch!

How the rope stayed in the middle.

After cutting it out.

Figuring out the directions. And the realization of, "Oh dear, I need
to cut out a band."

The finished circle. You can see some scraps in the corner.
There weren't very many and they weren't very big.

Monday, July 8, 2013


I've done quite a few things this summer that I suppose should be cataloged here. Today's post will feature some chickens and my kitty, Missy. Though the chickens look somewhat startled, Missy seems to love the camera.